
The words of Jesus bear significant meaning among his followers. From The Sermon on the Mount to The Lord’s Prayer to The Upper Room Discourse, his words carry the force to transform, each with the unique ability to elicit adoration and devotion. But his words also have the ability to provoke hatred, anger, and violent rage. It was this exact reality that ultimately led to his crucifixion, and it all began with two simple words: “I Am” (Jhn. 8:58). While these two words may not mean much to an average modern-day reader, the Jews who filled the temple the day Jesus spoke those words knew precisely what he was saying. Those two simple words were all it would take for the angry mob in the temple to pick up stones to hurl at Jesus (Jhn. 8:59). And their intentions were clear: kill the man who would dare to claim that he himself was God (Ex. 3:13-14)!

For over two thousand years, generation after generation has grappled with the same age-old question: Who exactly is Jesus of Nazareth? Who was this man crucified by the Roman Empire and the Jewish leaders of his day? Who is this man whose life sparked an entire religion and changed the history of the world? To debate his existence is futile, but sharp disagreements continue to this day regarding his true identity. While most world religions concede that this historical figure was a moral teacher or prophet, one must come to a completely different conclusion when considering the words of Jesus himself. As C.S. Lewis famously expressed, if we take Jesus at his words, he was either a liar, a lunatic, or God in the flesh. If he truly is God, then his claims must not only be closely studied, but our lives must joyfully bend in submission to his every word.

In this new teaching series, I Am, we will consider the words of Jesus, each week studying one of the seven "I am" statements made by him in the Gospel of John. In doing so, not only will we come face to face with his claims of deity, but we will see that believing such claims lead us to embrace Jesus himself. His words are invitations to experience true life, a way of living that fully satisfies hungry and thirsty souls. They beckon the tired and weary to rest in his perfect care, freely receiving comfort from his divine provision. They offer everlasting joy and produce genuine flourishing, not found in life's fleeting moments but rooted in his unchanging life and unconditional love. Join us as we examine and respond to the claims of the Great I Am.

New Series begins 4/24/2022
