
By Jeri-Nichole Kendall

Years ago, at the start of my worship ministry and service, a friend asked, “Do you write music?”. I laughed in his face. Behind the blatant dismissal that such a thing could be was the fear that what I had to say was not worth saying. It was a fear that reinforced every doubt and insecurity that I ever had. But God is in the business of breaking us free from the bonds of the lies we believe to do a new thing.

At the start of 2020, the Lord brought me to Isaiah 43:19,” Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Through this project, I learned that God was bigger than any wasteland out there. The wasteland that is fear, anxiety, heartbreak, my sin and shame, and even a global pandemic. See, he is in the business of making the impossible possible.

God is writing this beautiful story of redemption through the transformation and restoration of his people by the way of Jesus. He uses every single piece. Even the broken ones. Sometimes I wonder if the more broken the better because there is more glory to be displayed. My EP, Beauty Remains, is just a little piece of the whole narrative. A sliver of the story, that God loves, pursues, restores, and brings his children new life.

Each and every song has a piece of my heart. But more than that, it has echoes of what God has whispered over my broken pieces. These are the songs of deliverance that he has sung over me. My biggest hope is that every person who hears experiences the same love of the Father, hope in the Son, and comfort from the Holy Spirit. He is ALWAYS doing a new thing.

“Hold on there’s hope. Don’t rush past the pain. He heals your scars, until beauty remains.”

Thank you, Summit Family, for your prayers and your support. I hope you enjoy Beauty Remains.

Find the album on Spotify Apple Music, iTunes, Amazon, and wherever you get music.
