
We believe that what God wants to do in the world, and in Southwest Florida specifically, he wants to do through all of Christ’s people, as we see disciples and churches multiplied so that every man, woman, and child would have repeated opportunities to respond to the good news of the gospel.

That’s why we partner with and start other expressions of Christ’s Church; for gospel saturation, and ultimately for the glory of God.

For the past 2 years, we have been dreaming, praying, meeting, and strategizing about planting a gospel-centered expression of Christ’s church in the heart of Lehigh Acres; a community of more than 132,000 people. It soon became clear that many of our own people shared that vision to reach that diverse community with the gospel of Jesus Christ; Community Group leaders, Deacons, and Members all have stepped forward to embrace the call.

After months and months of development and formation under the leadership of Evan Lemkuil and Carl Belcher,  yesterday the Elders of Summit Church commissioned the Restoration Church core team to be sent out to reach the community of Lehigh Acres.

Pray that the team would remain humble dependent upon God.

Pray that God would protect them from the schemes and divisions of the Enemy.

Pray that God would prepare them to be servant leaders in the community.

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