As we say often at Summit, we want to be a church that, if we ceased to exist, our community would miss us. Not for the name and glory of Summit, but for the glory of God and the work of His Kingdom. So to bless our Circles of Accountability (COA = a designated geographical area around all of our campuses that we have determined to take ownership of) this Christmas season, we partnered with our local schools to help families in need of Christmas gifts. We do this to remember and celebrate that we’ve been given the ultimate gift, adoption through Jesus.
All three of our campuses participated, joining with 11 different schools to bless 64 families (over 160 kids!).
To begin, weekend service attendees at each campus took ornaments with descriptions of what was needed on them, purchased the gifts and gift cards, and brought them back. Then the gifts were passed on to the families who needed them, through Deacons at the Gateway and Naples campuses, and at a Comeback event at the University campus.
Through this simple act of giving, we were able to show our community the love and provision of God. And the goal was not to simply meet physical needs. We also want to build relationships, because a Circle of Accountability is about making disciples and sharing the incredible life that Jesus gives.
Here are a few stories of the families that were affected:
At the comeback event at the University campus, a single mom came to participate and mentioned to the staff that she did not have a Christmas tree, and that her kids had never had a tree. Since there were several trees in the church for decoration, volunteers took one right down off the stage and put in in the family’s truck. This family is excited to finally enjoy this Christmas tradition.
Two Deacons from our Gateway Campus were able to visit a single mom and her children at their home to bless them with gifts. The following Sunday, the whole family attended our weekend service together and expressed interest in returning for Christmas Eve.
Another couple told our staff their story. They recently retired and were getting ready to do some traveling, when they felt God calling them to become foster parents. They’ve since taken in two sibling pairs, and went from having no children in their home to caring for four! They’re working with us and the parents of their foster children to give them a wonderful Christmas.
A Deaconess from the Naples campus met with a mother of four who has suffered many miscarriages. The Deaconess was able to pray with this mom, share her own story of loss, and give the mom a Bible and devotional. These sisters in Christ were able to support each other and see God working in their stories of heartache.
One family came to the Comeback event in to pick up gifts for four kids, only to find out that due to a mix-up, girl gifts had been bought for one of the sons. Fortunately, volunteers had some gift cards on hand to give to that family. Just after, a mom came in to pick up gifts for her daughter. She informed the volunteers that these would be the only gifts that her daughter would receive, and that she didn’t have many clothes. The gifts that had been accidentally bought for the other family were just the right size for this girl, and her mom was able to leave with several new outfits. What looked like a mistake was actually God at work to provide!
There are so many other ways that God is moving. Some we know, others we don’t. But we trust this glimpse of His activity will encourage us and increase our thankfulness for what God has done through our partnerships to bring Gospel joy to families in our Circles of Accountability this Christmas. God has blessed us so we can be a blessing to others. Thank God for this wonderful season and the great gift we have received through Jesus.