Dear Summit Family,
I want to take this opportunity before the end of 2019 to say, “Thank you.” God has used you to play an important role in making and maturing disciples at FGCU. I know from personal experience the importance of a loving church family for the faith of a college student. When I was a student at FGCU, God was good to send men and women from this church into my life. You cared well for me, showering me with love, encouragement, and wisdom. Being able to hear your words and observe your lives gave me necessary perspective on the important things in life and taught me what faithfulness to Christ truly looks like in practice.
When I became the College Minister here, a goal of mine was to see those types of relationships deepen and become more prevalent. I’m proud to say that today those relationships are thriving more than ever at Summit Church. Whether it’s college students and young families worshiping side by side on a Sunday morning or older men and women discipling college students over coffee throughout the week, it’s clear that God is doing a uniquely beautiful work at Summit that crosses generational boundaries. And for that, I’m filled with gratitude. I’m thankful to God for what he is doing, and I’m thankful to God for YOU.
This year, I had the privilege of spending Sunday mornings with all three congregations. At each location, I was struck by the interest in what God was doing at FGCU. Whether I was in Naples, Gateway, or Estero, I spoke with men and women of all ages who told me they were praying for the students at the university. Some of you even shared pieces of your story with me. I heard from couples who were broken over wayward college-aged children, individuals who were excited about the work at FGCU because they had become Christians in school, and even some who had trusted Christ as a direct result of IGNITE’s ministry at FGCU before my time. Many of you jumped at the opportunity to serve IGNITE, and have done so through a variety of ways—discipleship, providing hot meals for students away from home, inviting students to spend the holidays with your family, and prayer.
So thank you. Thank you for praying for more students to come to faith at FGCU. He answered your prayers. Thank you for loving and encouraging our students by your words and your actions. It’s impossible to measure the impact you are making in their lives. Thank you for sharing your stories with me. They provide both a sobering and hopeful perspective to the job God has called me to. And thank you for being the type of church that finds joy in making sure college students are well cared for and at home in our congregation. God is using you to strengthen his church.
Stephen C. Johnson
College Ministry Director