This month our reading plan will focus on our 5 Discipleship Outcomes and the Biblical foundation for them.
Intimacy with God
A detailed knowledge and understanding of God's heart and activity that comes from pursuing Him as our greatest treasure.
Fruit of the Spirit
The acting presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church that demonstrates the character of God and distinguishes His people from an unbelieving world.
Stewardship of Life
Faithfully using everything God has entrusted to us to reflect His glory.
Personal Mission
Understanding the mission of God and discovering how he has uniquely gifted me to love and serve His church and the places where I live, work and play.
Grace Story
Embracing the fullness of the Gospel and being transformed by it in such a way that we desire to live out and share God's message
with others.
Here is a simple outline for how you can engage in reading each day:
- Pray that God will open you up to what his Word has to say.
- Read the text:
What does the text say?
What does it mean?
What’s grabbing your heart or attention?
What will you keep chewing on or processing for the rest of the day? - Pray for your day and bring specific requests before the Lord.
Intimacy With God
May 1 Psalm 138
May 2 Psalm 34 (Fast Forward - Summit’s church-wide prayer & fasting day)
May 3 Philippians 3
May 4 Psalm 42
May 5 Lamentations 3:26-66
May 6 Psalm 51
Fruit of the Spirit
May 7 2 Timothy 2
May 8 Romans 15:1-7
May 9 Colossians 2:1-15
May 10 Romans 6:1-23
May 11 Mark 4:1-20
May 12 Titus 3:1-11
May 13 Romans 12
May 14 1 John 3
Grace Story
May 15 Luke 19:1-10
May 16 Philemon 1:1-22
May 17 Matthew 8:1-17
May 18 John 3:1-21
May 19 Luke 15:1-31
May 20 Matthew 10:1-24
Stewardship of Life
May 21 Ecclesiastes 5
May 22 Nehemiah 5:1-19
May 23 2 Corinthians 8
May 24 2 Corinthians 9
May 25 Proverbs 3:1-12
May 26 Deuteronomy 6:1-25
Personal Mission
May 27 1 Peter 4:1-11
May 28 John 13:1-20
May 29 1 Corinthians 12
May 30 Philippians 2:1-8 & 12-15
May 31 Luke 5:1-11