Embracing the fullness of the gospel and being transformed by it in such a way that we desire to live out and share God's message with others.
“I was raised to love God and value my faith. But life experiences caused me to battle anger, anxiety, and depression. I pursued healing and satisfaction in worldly vices. Once I was married and had kids, I accepted Christ as my Savior and committed to being a true man of God. Now that I’m fully engaged in my faith journey, God is blessing me to do more. I want to follow the Gospel and serve Jesus Christ with my mind, body, and soul.
My family and I are grateful for our Summit faith family, Children’s Ministry, Women’s Ministry, Men’s Ministry, Community Groups, Bible Studies, and Pickleball Outreach. God is always working in our lives. He provides, protects, and perseveres.
Today I can confidently say, ‘God, I surrender my life to you. Take all that I am and use it for Your glory.’”
EILEY’s Grace Story
“My name is Eiley and I’m ten years old, and I want to get baptized because I love Jesus Christ, and want people to know that. And I want to follow God and love him with all my heart.”
EMMA’s Grace Story
“I am so thankful for God and everything He has done for me. I accepted Christ as my savior over a year ago, when I began attending church a year ago through IGNITE. Here is where I found purpose and comfort in the fact that God has a plan for me and He truly loves me. Growing up, I was not raised religious. My mom isn’t religious, and my dad never attended church, so I wasn’t exposed to the Grace that God could has for me until college. When I came to FGCU, I felt really alone. I moved 23 and a half hours away from home, and did not know anyone. My first friend here, Lauren, introduced to me Summit and I fell in love with the community. My eyes and heart were opened to God and He has given me the most fulfilling relationship in my life, my relationship with Christ. With His guidance, I have learned how to forgive and love, and I am so thankful that I found my own journey with God.”
GIANNA’s Grace Story
“Most of my childhood has been spent on the track field and, at times, it felt like sports was our entire world. During my younger years, I admired my sister a lot and watched her grow in her faith with Christ here at Summit. I noticed there was always something different about her since she trusted Jesus Christ as her Savior. Since I witnessed her journey, I must say that it wasn’t until I reached 7th grade that I began to wonder what it’d be like to place all of MY trust and faith in Jesus Christ. Instead of waking up daily full of fear and anxiety of the unknown, I couldn’t help but wonder what life would be like with Christ’s peace in my heart. So, I have given my entire heart and life to Jesus Christ. I am getting baptized today to continue growing in my faith. In Jesus, I have peace.”
Kelsey’s Grace Story
“I was raised in a Christian home and was baptized as an infant, but I remember questioning God at age nine, when my parents divorced. I attended church and youth group through middle and high school. Once in college, I remained a believer, but work interfered with church. My husband, Brent, and I married in July 2012 and welcomed the first of our three children the following June. We wanted to raise our children to know and love the Lord and found a church close to our home, where we became very involved. In 2021, we moved to Florida and found ourselves here, at Summit. I was initially closed off to the idea of being re-baptized, thinking of it as discounting what my parents had done for me as an infant, but after attending Revive Us, I felt God calling me to reconsider this step in my faith journey. Throughout my life, in all of the highs and lows, I have always known He was with me. Jesus is my Lord and Savior, my firm foundation, and I know that because of Him, I am promised eternal life in Heaven.”
Vance’s Grace Story
“I was dedicated when I was born, but as a little kid, I didn’t really know a lot about God or Jesus until about 2 years ago when I joined a Catholic high school. I didn’t really like it at first because it was very strict, but I have come to learn that they are trying to teach us to be strong in our faith. Through the teachings of Jesus, I have learned to love God and believe in Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I thought I had always believed in Jesus as my lord and Savior, but in recent months, it has become clear to me that He is everything I need.”