I have a big heart for kids and desire to give them opportunity to hear the gospel. I want them to know how much God loves them, even at a young age. When I heard about the mission trip to Salerno, Italy to put on a gospel-centered Sports Camp alongside our Church partner Nuova Vita, I knew it was something that I wanted to be apart of.

Since this was my first mission trip overseas, I hoped and expected that God would work through me and use me to share His love with kids and others. However, I did not expect God to do such a work in my own heart. Throughout the week that I was there God really began to press in on my heart and bring to light some of my pride, selfishness, and doubt. He was allowing me to begin to surrender things to Him and entrust to Him areas of my life.

Seeing the fruit that God grew in the hearts of the kids at Sports Camp was incredibly encouraging and so kind of the Lord to show us. It was awesome to see the kids be open to learning new sports, as well as their willingness to build relationships with the leaders, stepping out of their comfort zone and learning to pray on their own. The kids were excited to come to camp each day which was an answer to prayers and confirmation that God was working.

God was working.

One little girl in my group would frequently raise her hand to pray at the end of our small group time, and she would always pray her memorized Hail Mary prayer. Throughout the week I was asking God to give her a curious heart and mind. I was encouraged as she began asking questions like “Why did Jesus have to die?” and “What happens to us after we die?”.

We also talked about how you can pray to God and talk to him about anything and everything. We shared that He is a loving Father and wants us to pray to Him. On the last day of camp in our huddle time we were praying and thanking God for the day and for camp, and she boldly joined in and started to thank God for all sorts of things; the sun, the rain, new friends at camp, Jesus dying on the cross for our sin, and so many other beautiful things. It was as if she couldn't help herself but to begin thanking Him for all the things on her heart. It was so genuinely beautiful to see her talking to God and living in the freedom we have to bring ourselves to Him just the way we are.

-Kara B.

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