By Kate McCartney

God’s prevailing love and abundant grace extends far past the confines of any person or place, rather all the way to the ends of the Earth. From March 4th-11th, an IGNITE team of 12 set out with one of Summit’s closest partners, Ride Nature, to Guanacaste, Costa Rica. In our time there, we worked in ministry and outreach and with awestruck wonder, we saw firsthand how the Lord, through the Holy Spirit, connects people beyond language barriers and unlikely occurrences. The majority of the week was spent in Tamarindo, where we served in various capacities for Casa Vida Church, volunteering in kid’s ministry, painting, and working at a feeding center. We also participated in skate and surf outreach and helped in classrooms at Flourish Children’s School. Later in the week, we traveled to Liberia, where we served alongside YWAM Liberia and connected with children through worship and one student sharing their testimony. Over the course of each unique opportunity, it was incredible to witness how God formed relationships through and within us and our ministry partners.

We were strengthened and held accountable by the unity among the team throughout the duration of the week. Walking in newfound relationships with one another, we were able to see glimpses of the individual ways God was stretching all of us. On the trip, there was a common theme of growing in boldness, through sharing the gospel, but by also having a constant, mindful heart posture of openness to what it was that God had for us in every circumstance and conversation. As we prayerfully asked Him to use us as a vessel in serving others, He revealed Himself to us in ventures that were unexpected and at times, uncomfortable. However, the team was forever changed as a result of the radical power of the Holy Spirit and the ways it was demonstrated to us and through us. This was yet another reminder that the Lord has a divine purpose for each of our lives and sees us all as a vital part of His body.

The formidable truth that we serve a God who created all things, yet, out of love, chose us to steward the good news of His gospel, was eminently clear in the means by which He was working in Costa Rica. Through being able to experience the breathtaking beauty of God’s creation in another part of the world, we were humbly reminded that without Jesus we are capable of nothing. It is with a daily dependence, reliance, and regard for our Holy Creator, that we might look more like His Son and less like ourselves. This was especially prevalent as we sought to mindfully lay down our comfort zones, judgements, and expectations. Every student who took part in this trip walked away with a deeper reverence for the Lord’s glory, passion for proclamation of the Gospel, and stronger personal relationship with Christ and those within His body.

See student testimonies and photo gallery below!

I came to Costa Rica with an expectant heart; desperate for His presence to lead and guide myself and our team. I prayed for opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the people we encountered & for Him to reveal the gifts He’s given me to serve His people. He faithfully answered those prayers, and I gained confidence and assurance in the passions and pursuits He’s placed in me. I came home excited about where the Lord is leading and grateful that He is continuing to provide spaces for me to be used for the building up of His body and kingdom.
— Kennadie P.
I was immensely blessed with the opportunity to serve alongside Ride Nature this past week and to witness our Ignite students serve the Lord in Costa Rica. I went into this trip expectant and left overjoyed and encouraged by the Lord’s obvious hand. He orchestrated the group, grew us in servanthood, provided words to say and opportunities to pray and share the word.
— Emily L.
Going to Costa Rica was such a powerful experience. Seeing God’s people come together from across nations throughout this mission really put the magnitude of the Lord’s strength and love for us into perspective. This trip was filled with answered prayers and constant reminders that the Lord has chosen and equipped us to share the good news of the gospel.
— Julia D.
