I am weary with my moaning;
    every night I flood my bed with tears;
    I drench my couch with my weeping.

 My eye wastes away because of grief;
    it grows weak because of all my foes.

Psalm 6:6-7

Almighty God, it’s so crushing to be in this dark world. Our souls are greatly troubled. We feel like weeping with the unbearable sadness of it all. Evil surrounds us. How long, O Lord? The pit of unimaginable wickedness feels insufferably wide and impossibly deep.

We’re left stunned, speechless, and horrified by the senseless murder of school children, just finishing their 4th grade year. How can this be? How long, O Lord?

Unborn children have their lives extinguished in the womb. White supremacists murder grandmothers in the grocery store aisle because they are black. War ravages nations. Innocent men, women, and children are bombed in their homes or shot in the streets. How long, O Lord?

We hear of sexual abuse and coverup in the Church, and we’re filled with righteous anger and an awful, sickening sorrow. How long, O Lord?

People call wrong, right. They look at evil and say ‘this is good, this is my truth’. They choose their own way, enslaved without even knowing it. How long, O Lord?

God, your children look to you. Where else can we go? 

Jesus, You are the resurrected, death-defeating, sin-conquering King. The Prince of Peace. We breathe deeply, and so we are not afraid. But still we are mournful and angry. Help us. What can we do?

Spirit, may the cleansing begin here. Sanctify us. Purify us. Rid of us sin, prejudice, callousness, hate, idolatry, pride. We repent. And we worship. In the darkness, we worship You.

Make us shine like stars in this crooked and perverse generation.

Come, Lord Jesus. Come quickly.
