
Around Christmas of 2020 I started to feel the weight of a two-year drug addiction. I knew something had to change. I tried my best to do it on my own.

However, I started to consider using again around New Year’s; that’s when I knew I was too weak to fight this battle on my own. A week before New Year’s day, a guy named Chris Menchini sat in my barber chair, and we had a divine appointment. Once we started talking, we couldn't stop. I finally felt seen and heard, no longer feeling alone, or misunderstood. His forty-five-minute window for a haircut turned into an hour and a half conversation.

That day God spoke to me, and he said ‘it’s time to come back home’. The following week I realized it was either rehab or Recovery at Summit. That week I walked into Recovery and applied myself from that point on. I followed through with story group, the 12 steps and so much more.

Here I am a year later, sober and set free, ready to lay my life down and accept my Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior!

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