
Yahweh-Elohim, our Creator and covenant redeemer, 

we confess that we have much in common with Adam and Eve, 

much more than we care to admit. 


We question your character. 

We doubt your promises. 

And we disobey your Word. 


Our sin too often leads us into shame-filled hiding

and we attempt to cover our guilt with inadequate measures. 


We minimize our sin. 

We diminish its severity. 

And we shift blame onto others. 


And yet your sin-covering grace is never too far from us. 

You stand ready to extend it anew to us today.  


You pursue us with gentleness.

You draw us out of our hiding places.

And you call us to receive your grace and mercy once again. 


Because your grace has found us:

We no longer have to hide from your presence. 


Because your grace covers us: 

We no longer have to wallow in shame. 


Because your grace frees us: 

We no longer have to fear sins consequences. 


We thank for you this grace, given freely by the Father, 

made possible by the Son and applied by the Spirit. 



