
A prayer of confession, a prayer for unity.

O Christ our Savior and our Lord,
You who prayed that we would be one
Just as you and the Father are one,
We confess that we have failed to live as such.
Forgive us, Lord.

O God who rules as three in one,
Each distinct yet each in tune,
A harmony of loving trust,
We confess that we have let our differences be louder than our unity.
Forgive us, Lord.

O Spirit of the Living God,
You urge us to display the gospel
In our love, our forgiveness, our compassion.
But we are quick to grieve you with our divisions.
Forgive us, Lord.

Nothing else compares to knowing you
And living together as your people.
Yet we have often traded our gospel-identity
For lesser labels and fading glories.
Forgive us, Lord.

Draw us back to our first love,
Draw us back to what unites us,
Draw us back to the cross of Christ
And his glorious resurrection.
As one church, we pray together in the name of Jesus,
