
We went into 2021 praising God for what we have seen in 2020 and are excited for what He had in store for our next year in Thailand.

First, the really exciting news: on November 12th we welcomed True Isara into the world! After two losses and a lot of really challenging medical situations since moving overseas, he is our miracle baby in every way. It’s been so exciting and special having a baby in our home again. Since birth he has been super alert and happy. Now, at five months old, True just radiates joy! He’s always smiling, laughing, and wanting to eat.

 As a family we are working towards finding new rhythms that allow us to be healthy as long-term cross-cultural ministry workers. In the past few months this has looked like embracing new traditions for holidays — like making a birthday cake for Christmas and singing happy birthday to Jesus with some of our closest Thai friends. Alyssa is taking the time to go for long walks with True and listening to the Bible app. Luke has planned regular trips out of the city to hike nearby mountains with students. Psalm and Shepherd are continuing to homeschool which has provided stability in a time when we are, currently, experiencing our third round of very strict COVID lockdowns.

 One of the most challenging yet rewarding opportunities I (Luke) have had this year was to start a Bible study at a youth home. While studying the Bible together has been great, I’ve found the more that I can get into the world and lives of these students and just be a support, the more they are willing to open up and share about what is really going on in their lives. Even though we live across the world, and in a very different context, we’ve found that the struggles students face are largely the same: battles in their mental health, struggles with dating and relationships, financial issues, loneliness, substance abuse, and feelings of abandonment. 

 Unfortunately, these situations often have catalysts of no parental figures, abuse, institutionalized care, and poverty which lead to some very dark paths. Even in cases where students have made the choice to follow Christ, the struggles don’t just end there. Sometimes it is overwhelming to think of all the brokenness and hurt and how powerless and small we feel to face this heavy stuff head on. At the end of the day, we can’t. But our God can, and we can do our best to walk alongside. Please continue to remember and pray for these students and so many like them growing up here in Chiang Mai.

 Meeting with these students each week has been a great reminder for me that ministry isn’t just about teaching and leading programs. While those things are a great support for students, and definitely a necessary part of what we do here, it’s important for me to remember why we are dedicating our lives to ministry in the first place: to go to the weary, the lost, the sheep scattered upon the high hills. Loving them and standing beside.

 We are so thankful for your prayers and commitment to serve the Lord alongside us in Thailand.

In His peace,
Luke, Alyssa, Psalm, Shepherd, True
