

It has been a joy to be a part of this community over the past 7 years. God has taught us so much through the love and care that you have shown to us as a family, you have been to us a picture of the gospel and an extension of God’s grace toward us.  

We have been on a journey for about a year now of working out some of the symptoms Arie, our eldest daughter, has been experiencing. After consulting with a specialist in November, it became apparent that we would need to move out of Florida to a different climate to give her the best chance of healing and detoxifying from mold that has built up in her body over time. It’s a long story, with many more details, but in essence, the Lord has made it clear that this is what we must do for our family, and yet it breaks our heart to leave you, our church family. 

When we look back on our time here, we can’t help but be overwhelmed with gratitude. There is so much the Lord has done in us, through you, the people of this church. There is such a maturity and steadfastness in the midst of trial that exists among you that has caused us to marvel at your faith. It’s been a joy to pray alongside, contend for and weep with you. For the picture you’ve been of faithfulness in suffering, and how you have wept and prayed alongside us in our sufferings, thank you. 

We’ve been blessed beyond measure by your generosity and love in how you’ve rallied alongside us in times of need, and how you’ve spoken life and truth over us. For the way you have been an extension of God’s love, encouragement and care, thank you!

We are so thankful to the Lord for calling us to Summit Church. It’s humbling to reflect on how much God has grown us here. We’ve seen God raise up and send leaders out from our midst, we’ve been able to write and record songs for you and with you, contend in worship and prayer together. We’ve seen God move as we’ve pressed in to see more of his heart, activity and manifest power in our midst. These moments that we’ve shared, we treasure, and yet know with a sure and certain hope that we will be together again, even if it is not this side of forever, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, we will be together again. So for that moment, stay faithful and until then, stay in touch!

Finally, while it is with a heavy heart that we leave, we know that the good thing that God has done in our midst started long before we arrived, and will continue long after we are gone. We are convinced more than ever that God deeply loves YOU, the people of Summit Church, that He is on the move in your midst, and that the good work He has begun in all of us, is yet to be realized in full. While we may not have the privilege to labor side by side in this next season, please know that we love you and are praying for you. We are forever thankful for the indelible mark and deposit that God has made in us here. 

With love, 

Andy, Rachel, Arie and Ellis

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