“On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate.” – Psalm 145:5

It seems likely that throughout the last year, many of us have had to learn to deal with “normal” simply not having a place on the table. If you’re anything like me, when security is low and uncertainty is high – not only is your confidence challenged, but the place in where your confidence lies is challenged. As Christians, our hearts that are prone to worry can rest in the faithful presence of our strong God. How wonderful it is that trusting in God’s faithfulness will always bring a greater return on investment than trusting in what “should be” will. 

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Though WAKE 2021 was not “normal” for any of our campuses, our faithful God went with us and made it a great experience for our students! Competitive natures were embraced through tournament games. Old friendships were strengthened, and new ones were made. Students grew in their understanding of the Gospel, what it means for them, and the unshakable hope it offers to the world as the power of God for salvation to all who would believe. Students deepened their trust in our leaders to disciple them. Students embraced what it looks like to be ambassadors for Christ in their lives. The heart of Jesus to welcome all who have sinned and the power of God in the ordinary was present. Our faithful God went with us.

Students, be encouraged by God’s work in your life through all that happened at WAKE! Take note of what you want to remember, what prayers God answered, and things you want to keep praying for. Take heart that though seasons change and what is normal comes and goes, God is greater and goes with you! In the classroom, at your jobs, at home, wherever you are; consider the presence of the God who is mindful of you (Psalm 8:4)


Student ministry leaders and volunteers, thank you for your unique roles of service and discipleship of our students – know that you are loved and valued deeply! Church, thank you for praying for our student ministries and for investing in our students! 

Continue to pray for our ministry leaders, students, and the community of youth in SWFL. Pray our students would have new songs of praise to our God. Pray for them to grow in recognizing God and His activity in the mundane. Pray that they would embrace the ways of Christ in the places they live, work, and play. Pray for the boldness and grace of the Gospel, that our students would be a people speaking the praise of the Lord and inviting all to bless his holy name forever and ever. 

- Robby Barr

Summit Students Director - Naples
