
Baan Selah: A Domestic Violence Shelter and Safe House for Women

In our most recent newsletter, we shared about a major ministry project Alyssa and I have been developing over the past year. We are officially opening a safe home and domestic violence shelter for women in Chiang Mai. We are so excited to share the full story with you in person when we come to America next year. 

We can not even begin to describe how faithful God has been in bringing the right people together. We currently have a care worker, program manager, social worker, and a future licensed professional counselor on our team. In addition, because this work directly impacts women that we know and have been building relationships with through our work with Prosperous Youth Foundation, the home will be fully legal in Thailand as it sits under our current foundation.  Baan Selah will begin welcoming women seeking shelter and safety in January of 2022.

If you would like to know more about this home, or more about the current needs in Thailand for places like this, feel free to reach out and send us an email or message us on Facebook. We would love to talk with you. In addition, we know this ministry will function at its best with the full support of our team, which is you! That means we kindly ask for you to pray and consider how you could be involved in this work with us.

Please begin to pray for our leadership team, our staff, and for the women who come and seek shelter. Pray that this home provides women with the safety and security they need to rest, heal, and plan their next steps. We also ask that you pray that the women who stay with us will have the opportunity to hear the Gospel, and how God graciously offers forgiveness, peace, and strength.

Thank you for embarking on this new journey of ministry with us. Although our focus is here, know that we think about you often and thank God for you. We are trusting God in this new season of ministry, that He will continue to sustain us, provide for our needs, and remain present in every circumstance. We can’t wait to see you all in just a short few months!

With Love,

Luke, Alyssa, Psalm, Shepherd, True
