
Sunday, November 7th is Orphan Sunday.  It’s a day set aside by churches all over the world to recognize the plight of the fatherless, to remember the vulnerable and the orphan.

As the church, this day has great significance for us; it once again reminds us of our own story of being desperate, without hope, and without peace.  We remember when we were outside of God’s family and needed saving.  A day like Orphan Sunday is an opportunity for us as believers to think back to how we were brought in, rescued, freed, redeemed, and adopted. It reminds us of our spiritual DNA and invites us again into the work of prayer, sacrifice, hope, and redemption.

With that in mind, would you take some time this week to be praying as we lead up to the weekend?  Here are a few specific things to pray for:


It’s been a hard year and half for everyone.  Even as our personal lives have been turned upside down in many ways, those caring for kids have experienced their own hardship as well as the distress of the kids in their lives.

Whether they are partner placement agencies, ministries working on behalf of orphans in other nations, ministry partners caring for vulnerable families in our area, or our own foster and adoptive families at Summit Church, the difficulties of these times have proven to be complicated and overwhelming.  

Pray for those who are currently engaged in the daily care of vulnerable children, who are taking on crisis in the midst of crisis.  That they might not lose heart or grow weary in doing good.  Pray that they might see trials produce perseverance. Pray that they may continue sowing bountifully so that they might know the grace and generosity of the Lord. Pray that the Lord strengthens their hands to the task and emboldens their souls with hope.



There are a number of people who have sensed the Lord stirring them to step into care in some way.  They may feel called to adopt or foster. Or maybe they’ve been interested in sponsoring, advocating for, or wrapping around families who take in children.  For whatever reason though, they haven’t stepped forward yet.  It might be that the timing didn’t seem right, or that they weren’t quite sure what the next steps were.  Maybe they didn’t feel equipped or were afraid it would be too hard.

Pray for those who are considering the possibilities.  Pray that they would be able to discern, with confidence, what the Lord has for them- the good works that the Lord has prepared in advance for them. Pray that they would walk in obedience, that their faith would have feet, and that their calling would be embraced.  Pray that they would be reminded of the love that has sought them out, brought them in, and now protects and carries them.  The perfect love that casts out fear and frees us to live in response to God’s good, abundant, and sovereign love.


The need remains and continues to grow.  There are 140 million orphans in the world today.  It’s hard to comprehend a number like that and even more difficult to think we can actually do anything about it. But as we become aware, we might wonder on a personal level, if there’s some way to step in. A global statistic can seem both staggering and distant, but what about in our own nation?  There are 111,820 children in the US waiting to be adopted right now and 424,000 in the foster care system.  Even closer to home, here in SWFL, there are 59 children waiting to have a forever family and 764 kids currently in foster care.  Waiting children and kids in care aren’t the only vulnerable children.  In 2020, Florida had 3,181 human trafficking reports for minors.  The unborn continue to be some of our most vulnerable as well with over 1,667 abortions so far in 2021 in just Lee and Collier counties.

These are just the kids that can be counted.  Each number represents a person, an image bearer, a child.  Each statistic is a soul in desperate need of prayer and active compassion.

Pray for these individuals.  Pray that they might find safety and relief and love.  Pray that the Lord would move people to step in on their behalf. Pray that the church would rise to defend their cause.  That we might seek justice and give voice to the voiceless.  Pray that believers everywhere might seek to serve the least of these.

We believe God for good and beautiful things.  We are trusting Him to move in hearts and begin new stories of grace, power, and redemption.

Thanks for praying and we look forward to seeing you on November 7th at Summit Church.
