Living Hope International: More than 25 years of changing the lives of children from all over Mexico, children rescued from domestic violence, extreme poverty, physical and sexual abuse.

Esperanza Viva Youth Home blesses the lives of the children, full-time staff, and missionaries who visit our facilities located in Puebla, Mexico. My wife, Susy, and I are greatly blessed to have the opportunity to serve the children God has brought to us and to be able to witness so many changed lives.

Today, I will be sharing with you the story of Araceli, better known as Ara, a young girl who came to Esperanza Viva when she was 6 years old, accompanied by her three siblings. Her parents were imprisoned and therefore the children were relocated to Esperanza Viva. It has been many years since Ara’s arrival and it has been an honor to accompany her as she has persevered and has been transformed by the love of Gods. Ara finished her university studies and was always an encouraging example of grit for her classmates and friends during her time at Esperanza Viva.

Today Ara is a capable young woman, she has pursued a job in her field of studies and she serves faithfully at Nations Church as part of the multimedia team. God is faithful and His word bears fruit in its time... “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Thank you very much for being part of this work and helping to rescue the children. To learn more about our ministry we invite you to visit:

-Jerry and Susy McNally, Living Hope International
