By Orlando Cabrera
For many of us, 2020 has not been an ideal year, or the year we were anticipating. But believers can know for certain that it was exactly the year God knew we would face. Maybe the thought for you right now is “oh, please let this year be over”. Understandable. But, I think there is another way we can approach this time and that is this; “God thank you for your sustaining grace. Thank you for your faithfulness and steadfast love.”
What if, instead of wanting this season to end, we took the opportunity to drink richly from the spring that is the Father’s grace to us in the person and work of Jesus Christ, experienced every day by His Holy Spirit, through His eternal Word?
Right now is the Advent season; a season intended for the believer in Christ to reflect back on Jesus’ first coming and to look forward to His second coming with great hope and anticipation. As we do, we remember and recount the beauty, power, and promises of the Gospel. Our Savior reigns today, tomorrow and forever.
So, here’s an encouragement for us as we come to the close of 2020…
#1. Slow down. Don’t let the craziness of the season steal from you the most important things: time with your Savior and time with those God has placed around you. “Be still and know that He is God.” (Psalm 46:10). Sit at the table set for you each day by our Heavenly Father and feast on His Word. Remember “His mercies are fresh and new each and every day, for great is His faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23). Make time in this season for your family and friends. Give them your presence and let their presence be a gift and encouragement to you. In my years as a pastor, I have never heard someone say I wish I had NOT spent so much time with my loved ones…so slow down.
#2. Wear gratitude every day. Negativity, discouragement, and cynicism is all around us. But if there is one thing the season of Advent reminds us of, it is that we are in the middle of the story. There is a day that is coming that will be greater than our hearts and minds can imagine. Jesus has come and He will come again. And because of our faith in Him, and the grace of God we can worship in all seasons and in all trials of life. His presence, His power, and His promises are both sure and available to us. So, wear your gratitude, declare your gratitude, and share that gratitude with others. Let that gratitude fill the rooms and relationships where God has you, and when you leave them, leave behind a sweet aroma of Jesus. “give thanks to the LORD with our whole hearts and recount all of His wonderful deeds.” Psalm 9:1
#3. Share the Gospel lovingly and often. Research tells us that the Christmas season is a wonderful time to invite someone to church. But it’s much more than that. It is a superb time to share the hope you have because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So let’s pray for “open doors for the word to, declare the mystery of Christ” like the Apostle Paul writes in Colossians 4. Pray fervently in this season for your unsaved family members, friends, neighbors, classmates and coworkers. Ask God to draw them to Himself and to use you as salt and light. He can use you for His Gospel purposes and mission.
Let’s not squander or miss what God has for us this Advent season. Slow down, draw close to God, spend time developing relationships, wear your gratitude on your sleeve, share the Gospel lovingly and often.
Let’s use this Advent season to talk more about the Christ of Christmas than the crises of 2020. Only He is eternal.