We’re rejoicing in God’s provision of a new facility for our Naples congregation! These are the words we prayed during our first service held there. Join us in praying them.
Lord, we recognize that you do not dwell in houses made by hands. We declare that heaven is your throne, and the earth is your footstool. We acknowledge the reality that you cannot be contained in the heaven of heavens, much less in a building made by man.
We are thankful that you have made us into a holy temple; your very own dwelling place by the Spirit. Yet you command us––your people––to gather in worship, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in our hearts, so that the word of Christ may dwell richly in us.
Following the examples of saints throughout the ages, we gather this morning to dedicate this building, that it may be a place for worship, prayer, and discipleship. In this place may your Word be proclaimed, your sacraments administered, and your church encouraged, equipped, and sent out to make disciples who represent the gospel to every man, woman, and child, to the glory of your great name.
As we dedicate this building to you, we make the following commitments before your holy presence…
1.) Lord, we commit to being God-Glorifying so that we and others may know you, worship you, and be led by you.
Congregation: Not to us, O LORD, but to your name be the glory.
2.) Lord, we commit to being Gospel-Centered so that we and others may embrace the gospel, apply the gospel, and proclaim the gospel.
Congregation: Not to us, O LORD, but to your name be the glory.
3.) Lord, we commit to being Missionally-Driven, embracing the demands of your mission and living as missional ambassadors.
Congregation: Not to us, O LORD, but to your name be the glory.
Lord, we commit to being Disciple-Making in order to see people trust Christ, obey Christ and imitate Christ.
Congregation: Not to us, O LORD, but to your name be the glory as we represent the gospel to every man, woman, and child. Amen!
Our new facility is located at:
15220 Tamiami Trail North
Naples, FL 34110