During my internship, the Lord has taught me a lot about divine patience and surrender. Going into this season, I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted to learn from it, and what I believed the Lord was going to show me. I knew that I wanted to grow in my skills musically and to effectively put set lists together. Above all, though, I believed that God was going to show me how to lead people in worship. Oh, how wrong I was! While the Lord has definitely given me a gift of worship and leadership, I was looking at my role in the wrong way. God, in His patience, began to show me a whole new side of worship and He used the Summit worship staff to do this.
"When I surrender those times of worship over to God, and allow Him to do what He wants with it, He is most glorified!
I clearly remember one day at the office, where Andy asked me what I thought my job was in worship. I told him that as a “worship leader” it was my role to lead others into worship. What he told me that day really impacted how I now look at my calling. Andy explained to me that my role was less about leading and more about being a curator. A curator is someone employed at a museum or exhibit that knows the art pieces well and can skillfully place them in the best sequence or arrangement. But you never see the curator! Their job is behind the scenes. When I looked at my role from this perspective, I realized the beauty and humility of serving. By seeking the Lord, knowing His heart, and being teachable in what He is doing in me and my community I am able to curate a space for fellow believers to worship the Lord. It’s not my job to lead them into it, frankly the Lord doesn’t need me to. When I surrender those times of worship over to God, and allow Him to do what He wants with it, He is most glorified!
- Kaitlin Connor