We recently honored “Sanctity of Life” week by remembering the plight of the unborn and vulnerable child in our services at Summit. While recognizing the rights of the unborn, we also took time to hear the story of a brave woman who lived through the painful experience of abortion and the following shame, fear, and guilt associated with it. Through the graciousness of Christ and the love of God’s community she was able to face the reality of her pain, to embrace the fullness of forgiveness and healing in Christ, and now God uses her story as a testimony of His glory and hope for those men and women who are post-abortive and wondering if there is still enough grace for them. 

The truth is that this year alone 20% of pregnancies will end in abortion (Perspectives in Reproductive and Sexual Health, 2017) and over 50% of those will happen in homes that would self-identify as some form of Christian faith. (Characteristics of U.S. Abortion Patients in 2014). The reality is that the church has not always been a safe place to confess and seek healing and restoration, and we believe God wants to do a mighty work in this. 

We want to remind everyone that calls Summit Church home that this is a place where we can be honest and open with the pain of our past and present. Whether the guilt of our own choices or the shame of being harmed by another, we want everyone to experience the spiritual and emotional healing that Christ offers through the Gospel. If you or someone you know has experienced the pain of abortion and have lived captive to the self-condemnation and secrecy of shame, we implore you to reach out.

If you are ready to come out of hiding and find the loving embrace of God and his church, please email Help@summitlife.com.

If you are ready to come out of hiding and find the loving embrace of God and his church, please email Help@summitlife.com

You are not alone in your struggle, and we long for you to know what many have come to experience as the freedom of a life lived in transparency with Christ and His community.

There is hope. Christ has offered Himself to you and He has created His church to be a community of healing. When you are ready, with love and all sincerity, we encourage you, reach out today. 
