Summit family, we're so encouraged by the stories of God's activity in our lives. Below are several excerpts from some of the stories that were shared with us throughout our summer series, 'Say So'. We hope you are encouraged by the goodness and grace of God!
About 3 years ago I was devastated to discover my husbands affair with a young co-worker. I was in total shock. I was in such pain and hurt and I didn't know how to go on after my life, my future, fell apart. After everything failed, I put my trust in God. I knew it was all out of my control. It was the most difficult time of my life but I am so grateful that I put my trust in God. He fought my enemies and in the end I have the victory. Forever blessed. - H
Reading through Psalm 107:10-16 this morning reminded me that I was once "so blind". Those verses describe me perfectly. I sat in sin and darkness, a prisoner of my sin. A slave to its call. Desirous of its momentary pleasures. Rebellious towards God...prideful and covetous, lustful and irresponsible. In the pit of darkness on June 10th, 1985 verses 13 & 14 were also true of me. "Then they cried out to the Lord in their troubles, and He delivered them from their distress. He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and burst their bonds apart". Praise be to God. The chains were broken and I was redeemed. Free from my life-dominating sin. He has taught me more than I could have ever imagined. He is a good, good God and I owe Him all! - C
My grace story is my wife. When I felt like throwing in the towel, her prayers kept our marriage alive. This summer we celebrate 9 years of marriage. When I deal with struggles within myself, conviction kicks in and my wife's love kicks in. Summit family, keep pressing forward and remember in our weakness, He is our strength. - S
I am so thankful for a faithful, honest place to call home. Most of my life I thought I knew what church and a Christian walk should look like until I left the only church/city I knew and came to Fort Myers/Summit. I'm so thankful for the community of Summit, (Recovery included) that the Lord continues to use to teach me the beautiful importance of vulnerability, His overwhelming goodness, and that He works in ordinary days and routines, not only in big moments. - C
When I was 18 years old I lead a life full of darkness. My friends and I were actively into drugs, alcohol, and partying. My life was lost and full of emptiness. I literally remember waking up most mornings feeling empty and having nothing to live for except another fleshly experience that would leave me feeling more empty than the experience before. Just a few months before I turned 19 years old, I was at a camp. During this time they had Christian speakers that spoke about God and His Love and forgiveness. During one of the nights I came forward to give my life to Jesus. I can remember it like it was yesterday. It was the most wonderful feeling I had ever had. It was literally like the Pilgrim's Progress story where the character Christian has his burden lifted and the burden is gone! The thing I think about is this... Sometimes I say 'what has the Lord done for me today?' But I forget that today would look much different without Him. God has saved my life in more than one way. - R
My wife and I have been married for seven years and God has really grown us through adversity. Within the last three and a half years we have experienced four consecutive miscarriages. Although it has been extremely difficult to understand and grievous, the Lord has given us “a peace that surpasses all understanding” as Philippians 4:7 says. We believe we will meet the children one day in heaven in Jesus’ presence. Despite the sadness and grief that has come with the losses, the Lord has grown are faith, love, trust, and knowledge in Him; not only has He grown us in Him, but He has grown our love and intimacy towards each other in our marriage. To Christ’s glory and praise, we are almost 20 weeks pregnant. We have never come along this far and everything looks healthy. To God be the glory and we are entrusting ourselves and this pregnancy to Him. We have experienced and thoroughly believe Job 1:21: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” - R
This year started off with my mom being diagnosed with an incurable brain tumor. I could not even imagine walking through this storm without the Lord by my side. The knowledge of His goodness and the bondage He has pulled me from brings me peace in the storm because I know He will rescue me in my distress. He has done it. He has proven it. My greatest fear with my mom's illness is her salvation. And even that the Lord has taken from me and has whispered to me, "I've got this." So no matter what happens, I know I can rest in Him because He loves me and He cares for me like no other. He is still my God. -D