Our school partners are so grateful for the people of Summit Church have so faithfully demonstrated the love of Christ to our community! Below is just some of the thanks we have received from Teachers and School Administrators.

“Thank you so much for the gifts of the uniforms, smoothies and the check. Our Staff and students are so appreciative of everything that you do for us. We could not have a better partner for Treeline!”
“We truly appreciate the love you show to our staff by providing smoothies! It really is a nice treat that makes our long preschool days more enjoyable.
On behalf of our students and families I would also like to thank the entire Summit Church family for the backpacks full of student supplies. This is a tremendous blessing to our families and also to our teachers. More often than not, when students do not have the necessary supplies our teachers dip into their own pockets to help provide for the students.
It’s a great day at San Carlos Park Elementary!”
“Huge THANK YOU to Summit Church for their awesome donation of backpacks for students in need.”