Good News in Difficult Times


Hope for Now…Life forever.

While the world responds to this Pandemic of Covid-19 with panic and fear, Christians can choose to respond with trust and faith. Why? Because although this virus reminds us all that sickness and death are certain in this world, there is One who overcame death itself. There is an empty tomb that proves death has been defeated.

Real hope is not a “fingers-crossed,” “hope-for-the-best” mentality, but a faith-filled certainty in Jesus that brings joy and peace at all times, even in troubles.

Perhaps you’re reading this and find yourself longing to know this hope just described. The reality is it can only be found in the One who created you to know him and love him and be loved by him. He is the source of all life, joy, hope and peace. Unfortunately, our sin has separated us from him, and its consequences are ultimately death.

But God in his grace and mercy has made a way back to his loving presence. Back to the way we were made to be.

In his goodness, he sent his Son, Jesus Christ, into this world to live a perfect life without sin and to die on a cross as our substitution. And the greatest news is that Christ did not simply die for us, but he rose victoriously from the grave, overcoming sin and death on our behalf, and now offers us eternal life by simply responding to him in faith and trust.

If you’ve never responded to this good news by placing your faith and trust in Christ and his saving work on the cross on your behalf, then we hope and pray that today will be the day.

“…if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified (made right), and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.” For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” - Romans 10:9-10,13

It’s as simple as praying

‘Jesus, I need you. I am not enough. My sin separates me from God. I am lost without you. You are Lord and you took my sin and brokenness and offer me your perfect life instead. Come save me and change me and bring me back into God’s loving presence.’

If you prayed that prayer or something similar, we would LOVE to hear from you! If you have more questions, that’s great too! Reach out to us by emailing Evan Lemkuil at

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