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We encourage our members and those who regularly attend Summit Church to practice Biblical stewardship by giving a portion of their finances back to God as an act of worship and obedience. Giving generously and sacrificially advances the mission God has given us here in Southwest Florida and throughout the world.

We believe so wholeheartedly in advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ that we currently give 16% of our entire budget away through Missions to strategic ministry partners who are also working to advance the Kingdom of God.

GIFTS IN KIND/APPRECIABLE ASSETS:  Transferring ownership of stocks, bonds, real estate, automobiles, etc., provides ample giving opportunities. Tax codes are generous toward this form of giving. Giving the asset to the church, then allowing the church to sell eliminates potential capital gains taxes and can increase the after-tax proceeds, providing significant tax savings.  For more information on how to give in this way, contact



God desires His people to be good stewards of the lives that He has given to them. Stewardship of life involves faithfully using all of the resources God has given to us—including our finances—to reflect His glory. Psalm 24:1 says “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it”. The way we live our lives and give of our finances reflect what we really believe in regard to the following biblical principles:

  1. Giving declares the high view of who God is, the generous Creator and Sustainer of all things. (Psalm 24:1-2, James 1:17, Deuteronomy 8:17-20, 2 Corinthians 8:9)

  2. Giving is an act of worship, demonstrating both our dependence upon God and our trust in His provision for us. (Genesis 4:1-7, Genesis, 14:16-20, Philippians 4:19-20)

  3. Giving is both an act of obedience and an opportunity to participate in God’s redemptive mission, locally and globally. (Philippians 4:15-16)

  4. Giving enables us to store up treasures in heaven, experiencing the blessings of God both now and in the resurrection. (Philippians 4:17, Matthew 6:19-20, Matthew 19:27-29, 1 Timothy 6:17-19)


We are committed to financial integrity.

  • Each year, we undergo a review of our financial statements by an independent CPA firm. A copy of that review is available by request.

  • We have a Stewardship team composed of qualified business professionals who provide valuable expertise in financial and organizational management, as well as accountability.

  • Our general accounting services are provided by Church Shield.

*Although Summit Church will make every effort to honor the contribution designation of the donor, contributions become the property of Summit Church, and Summit Church has the discretion to determine how best to use contributions to carry out its functions and purposes. Such control of the funds by Summit Church is required to ensure that they will be used to carry out its functions and purposes, and to ensure donor’s contributions satisfy requirements for tax-deductibility.